Legislation and Guidance Relating to Nature and Wildlife

Scottish Marine Wildlife Watching Code

Watching marine wildlife from the shore or at sea? Follow the Code to avoid disturbance or harm to the animals.

The Birds Directive and Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981

This piece of domestic legislation remains a very important statute relating to wildlife protection in Scotland.

Protected Species

Many species of plants and animals are protected by law. Find out more about what is protected and what this means. ​

Protected species: birds

Even the most common wild birds in Scotland are protected, and some species receive a higher level of protection.

The Birds Directive and Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981

This piece of domestic legislation remains a very important statute relating to wildlife protection in Scotland.

Wildlife Crime

What is Wildlife Crime: Wildlife Crime is any illegal act in Scotland affecting certain birds, animals, and plants including their habitats. It includes the illegal disturbance, destruction, theft-, and sale of animals and plants both in the countryside and urban areas, and also the damage and destruction of protected habitats. Wildlife Crime poses significant harm to the species targeted by the criminals, as well as the communities who rely on wildlife for employment and tourism.

Find more information here including examples of wildlife crime

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